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DefectDojo is an Open-Source DevSecOps and vulnerability management tool. DefectDojo allows you to manage your application security program, maintain product and application information, triage vulnerabilities and push findings to systems like JIRA and Slack. DefectDojo enriches and refines vulnerability data using a number of heuristic algorithms that improve with the more you use the platform.

Install with Helm chart

helm repo add defectdojo ''
helm repo update

helm upgrade --install \
  defectdojo \
  defectdojo/defectdojo \
  --set django.ingress.enabled=true \
  --set django.ingress.activateTLS=false \
  --set createSecret=true \
  --set createRabbitMqSecret=true \
  --set createRedisSecret=true \
  --set createMysqlSecret=true \
  --set createPostgresqlSecret=true \
  --set host=defectdojo.k8s.intra

To find out the password, run the following command:

echo "DefectDojo admin password: $(kubectl \
  get secret defectdojo \
  --output jsonpath='{.data.DD_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' \
  | base64 --decode)"

Enable deduplication for findings:

Select Gear icon and Aplication Settings:

Application settings

Then thick Deduplicate findings:

Deduplicate findings

Enable DefectDojo integration for trivy-operator

To enable the DefectDojo integration for trivy-operator you need to enable it in the NamespaceScanner object:

    policyreport: True
      host: "https://defectdojo.rancher-desktop.intra"
      api_key: "xyz456ucdssd67sd67dsg"