
Install privacyIDEA

Install privacyIDEA

privacyIDEA is a Two Factor Authentication System which is multi-tenency- and multi-instance-capable. It is opensource, written in Python and hosted at GitHub.

Install spacewalk 2.9

Install spacewalk 2.9

Spacewalk is an open source Linux systems management solution. Spacewalk is the upstream community project from which the Red Hat Satellite product is derived before Red Hat Satellite Server 6.

Update ILO firmware

Update ILO firmware

Integrated Lights-Out, or iLO, is a proprietary embedded server management technology by Hewlett-Packard which provides out-of-band management facilities.

Proxmox Mail Gateway

Proxmox Mail Gateway

Proxmox Mail Gateway is a full featured, open-source mail proxy and protects your mail server from spam, viruses, trojans and phishing emails.

Install Centreon on Centos 7

Install Centreon on Centos 7

Centreon is a free Open Source monitoring software which allows an administrator to easily configure alerts based on thresholds, generate email alerts, add systems to be monitored quickly without the need of configuring complicated configuration files.