How to backup and restore Prometheus?
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In this post I will show you how to take a backup from a running Prometheus and restore it.
I will assumes that you have a running Prometheus deployed with prometheus-operator
in the monitoring
Enable Admin Api
First we need to enable the Prometheus’s admin api
kubectl -n monitoring patch prometheus prometheus-operator-prometheus \
--type merge --patch '{"spec":{"enableAdminAPI":true}}'
In tmux
or a separate window open a port forward to the admin api.
ubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/prometheus-operator-prometheus 9090
Backup Prometheus data
Run following command to create a snapshot:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9090/api/v2/admin/tsdb/snapshot
Find the snapshot and copy it to locally. The default folder is /prometheus/snapshots/
but you can find the data folder by finding the --storage.tsdb.path
config in your deployment.
kubectl -n monitoring exec -it prometheus-prometheus-operator-prometheus-0 \
-c prometheus -- /bin/sh -c \
"ls /prometheus/snapshots/20200731T123913Z-6e661e92759805f5"
kubectl cp -n monitoring \
prometheus-prometheus-operator-prometheus-0:/prometheus/snapshots/20200731T123913Z-6e661e92759805f5 \
-c prometheus .
Restore Prometheus data
In a new Prometheus instance delete the data folder and copy the content of the snapshot:
kubectl -n newprom exec -it prometheus -- /bin/sh -c "rm -rf /prometheus/*"
kubectl -n newprom cp ./* prometheus:/prometheus/