kube-openid-connect 1.0

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Today I am happy to announce the release of kube-openid-connect 1.0 and assign the first ever stable release number. This blog post focuses on the functionality provided by the kube-openid-connect 1.0 release.

What is kube-openid-connect?

Kube OpenID Connect is an application that can be used to easily enable authentication flows via OIDC for a kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes supports OpenID Connect Tokens as a way to identify users who access the cluster. Kube OpenID Connect helps users with it’s kubectl plugin to authenticate and get kubectl config.

How It Works

Kube OpenID Connect has two main component the server an the kubectl plugin. The server is written in python and the kubectl plugin in go for easier multi architecture build. When you want to login to a Kubernetes cluster you just simply use the kubectl login command to connect to the server component. It will open the OpenID authentication page in you browser. After you successfully logged in the server based on yout JWT token generates a kubectl config and push back to your kubectl plugin, that writes it to your config.

OIDC (Provider) Setup

You will need to obtain the OIDC details of the provider you need to use. This will contain the Issuer URL, Client ID and the Client Secret. In the case of Google (The provider which was used when initially creating this) go to the Developer / Credentials console. You will need to add the ingress url to both

If you used kops the credentials you’re after are

apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: Cluster
    rbac: {}
    authorizationRbacSuperUser: admin
    oidcClientID: UNIQUE_ID_REDACTED.apps.googleusercontent.com
    oidcIssuerURL: https://accounts.google.com
    oidcUsernameClaim: email

For G Suite : The redacted part of a ClientID is about 45 alphanumeric characters long (may also contain a hyphen or two) The client secret will be about 25 alphanumeric chacters (may also contain a hyphen or two)

For manually configure the Kubernetes ApiServer integration with OpeniD provider:

nano /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
- /hyperkube
- apiserver
- --oidc-issuer-url={{ .Values.server.oidcServerURL }}
- --oidc-client-id={{ .Values.server.oidcClientID }}
- --oidc-username-claim=email
- --oidc-groups-claim=groups
# for self sign cert or custom ca
#- --oidc-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/rootca.pem
systemctl restart kubelet

Install the server

To ease deployment I created a helm chart for kube-openid-connect.

helm repo add devopstales https://devopstales.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update

Create a value file for deploy:

cat <<'EOF'> values.yaml
# Default values for kube-openid-connect.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

TimeZone: Europe/Budapest

  debug: false
  oidcRedirectUrlHttpScema: https
  # redirect after logout
  oidcOutURL: https://devopstales.github.io/tags/kube-openid-connect/
  # http or https
  oidcRedirectUrlHost: kubeauth.k8s.intra
  # same es ingres host
  oidcServerURL: https://sso.k8s.intra/auth/realms/homelab
  oidcClientID: k8s-auth
  oidcSecret: ashdkhsadhasdhakjshdakshdash
  k8sContext: k8s-cl01
  # `k8sApiServer` is the url for kubectl
  #   This is typically  https://api.fqdn
  k8sCaCrt: |-
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----    
# `caCrt` is the public / CA cert for the cluster
# cat /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt

  enabled: true
  className: "nginx"
    cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: ca-issuer
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffer-size: "64k"
    ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "true"
    - host: kubeauth.k8s.intra
        - path: /
          pathType: ImplementationSpecific
    - secretName: kubeauth-tls
        - kubeauth.k8s.intra


The following tables lists configurable parameters of the trivy-operator chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
TimeZone Tomezone for container time Europe/Budapest
server.debug enable debug logging false
server.oidcOutURL Where to redirect after logout? https://devopstales.github.io/tags/kube-openid-connect/
server.oidcRedirectUrlHttpScema Ingress schema (http or https) http
server.oidcRedirectUrlHost Ingress hostname chart-example.local
server.oidcServerURL URL of OIDC provider endpoint Not set
server.oidcClientID Your unique client ID Not set
server.oidcSecret The password for the Client ID Not set
server.k8sContext Context of the cluster in generated config Not set
server.k8sApiServer The endpoint for kubectl to use Not set
server.k8sCaCrt The Public CA cert for the cluster Not set
image.repository image devopstales/trivy-operator
image.pullPolicy pullPolicy Always
image.tag image tag 1.0
imagePullSecrets imagePullSecrets list []
nameOverride Override the name part Not set
fullnameOverride Override the full name Not set
serviceAccount.create create serviceAccount true
serviceAccount.annotations add annotation to serviceAccount {}
serviceAccount.name name of the serviceAccount Not set
podAnnotations add extra annotations for the pod {}
podSecurityContext.fsGroup mount id 10001
securityContext add extra securityContext for the pod {}
service.port port number 5000
service.type type of the service ClusterIP
ingress.enabled enable ingress true
ingress.className ingress calss Not Set
ingress.annotations extra annotation to ingress Not set
ingress.hosts.host hostname for ingress chart-example.local
ingress.hosts.paths[0].path subpath on ingress \
ingress.hosts.paths[0].pathType ingress path type ImplementationSpecific
ingress.tls tls config for ingress []
kubectl create ns kubeauth
kubens kubeauth
helm upgrade --install kubelogin devopstales/kube-openid-connect -f values.yaml

Install the Kubectl plugin

# Homebrew (macOS and Linux)
brew tap devopstales/devopstales
brew install kubectl-login

# Krew (macOS, Linux, Windows and ARM)
kubectl krew install openid-connect

# Chocolatey (Windows)
choco install kubectl-login

# Binary release (Windows, macOS and Linux)

Use the plugin to login:

Point the url to the ingress of the server component:

$ kubectl login https://kubeauth.k8s.intra
Configfile created with config for productioncluster to ~/.kube/config
Happy Kubernetes interaction!