kubedash 1.0

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Today I am happy to announce the release of KubeDash 1.0. This blog post focuses on the functionality provided by the KubeDash 1.0.

What is KubeDash?

KubeDash is a general purpose, web-based UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to observe applications running in the cluster and troubleshoot them, as well as manage the cluster itself. It supports OpenID Connect Tokens as a way to identify users who access the cluster


The Default user is admin / admin




You can watch the installed helm charts:



To ease deployment I created a helm chart for trivy-operator.

helm repo add devopstales https://devopstales.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install kubedash devopstales/kubedash

Create a value file for deploy:

TimeZone: "CET"
logLevel: "INFO"
flaskConfig: "production" #or development

  create: true
  name: "kubedash-admin"

  repository: devopstales/kubedash
  tag: 0.1
  pullPolicy: Always

  runAsNonRoot: true
  runAsUser: 10001

  allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    drop: ["all"]

  enabled: true
  url: "kubedash.mydomain.intra"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "10m"
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
    enabled: true
    tlsSecret: "mycert-tls"
      enabled: false
      clusterIssuer: "letsencrypt"
    enabled: false
    ips: []

  enabled: false

The following tables lists configurable parameters of the kubedash chart and their default values.

Key Type Default Description
TimeZone string "CET" Time Zone in container
affinity object {} Set the affinity for the pod.
containerSecurityContext object {} list of the container’s SecurityContexts
flaskConfig string "production" flask environment: production or development
image.pullPolicy string "Always" The docker image pull policy
image.repository string "devopstales/kubedash" The docker image repository to use
image.tag string "0.1-devel" The docker image tag to use
ingress.annotations object {} Extra annotation to the Ingress object
ingress.enabled bool true Enable Ingress object creation
ingress.tls.certManager.clusterIssuer string "letsencrypt" Name of the certManager cluster issuer to use
ingress.tls.certManager.enabled bool false Enable certManager
ingress.tls.enabled bool true Enable tls on Ingress object
ingress.tls.tlsSecret string "" Name of the secret storing tls cert
ingress.url string "kubedash.mydomain.intra" URL of the Ingress object
ingress.whitelist.enabled bool false Enable ip blocking on ingress
ingress.whitelist.ips list [] List of ips to allow communication
logLevel string "INFO" Log level
nodeSelector object {} Set nodeSelector for the pod
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" Volumes mode
persistence.annotations object {} Volumes annotations
persistence.enabled bool true Volumes for the pod
persistence.size string "1Gi" Volumes size
podSecurityContext object {} list of the pos’s SecurityContexts
route.annotations object {} Extra annotation to the OpenShift Route object
route.enabled bool false Enable OpenShift Route object creation
route.url string "kubedash.mydomain.intra" URL of the OpenShift Route object
serviceAccount.create bool true Enable automatic serviceAccount creation
serviceAccount.name string "kubedash-admin" Configure the name of the serviceAccount
tolerations list [] Set tolerations for the pod