trivy-operator 2.5: Patch release for Admisssion controller

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Today I am happy to announce the release of trivy-operator 2.5. This blog post focuses on the functionality provided by the trivy-operator 2.5 release.

What is trivy-operator?

Trivy-operator is a Kubernetes Operator based on the open-source container vulnerability scanner Trivy. The goal of this project is to provide a vulnerability scanner that continuously scans containers deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. Built with Kubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework (Kopf) There are a few solution for checking the images when you deploy them to the Kubernetes cluster, but fighting against vulnerabilities is a day to day task. Check once is not enough when every day is a new das for frats. That is why I created trivy-operator so you can create scheduled image scans on your running pods.

What is new?

With the release of trivy-operator 2.5 ther is the fallowin new features:

  • air-gap install
  • Kubernetes CIS Benchmark with kube-bench-scnner
  • defectdojo integration
  • use insecure registry
  • add new dashboard

Air-Gapped Install

To run trivy-operator in an air-gapped environment you need to provide the security database for trivy. You can do that by uploading tha database to an OCI compatible registry.

oras pull

oras push docker.mydomain.intra/trivy-db:2 \

curl -X GET https://docker.mydomain.intra/v2/_catalog

curl -X GET https://docker.mydomain.intra/v2/trivy-db/tags/list

In the helm chart you need to specify the url of your OCI registry with the db_repository option.

# Don't try to download trivy db, run in air-gapped env:
  enabled: true
  db_repository: docker.mydomain.intra/trivy-db

Kubernetes CIS Benchmark

CIS Benchmark best practices are an important first step to securing Kubernetes in production by hardening Kubernetes environments. Trivy-operator use kube-bench to scan the kubernetes cluster and create CIS Benchmark reports. To enable the CIS Benchmark scanning function you need to create a ClusterScanner.

The following example object is configured to:

  • run the vulnerability scan every hour (crontab: '00 * * * *')
  • use the cis-1.23 scan profile
  • enable integration to defectdojo
kind: ClusterScanner
  name: main-config
  crontab: "00 * * * *"
  scanProfileName: "cis-1.23"
      host: "http://defectdojo.rancher-desktop.intra"
      api_key: "3880d84590915e5c96cec075444f22285ff3659c"
      k8s-cluster-name: "eks-prod"

The following list show the ClusterScanner objects listed by the kubectl cli:

kubectl get cs-scan
main-config   cis-1.23             00 * * * *

Enable DefectDojo integration for trivy-operator

To enable the DefectDojo integration for trivy-operator you need to enable it in the NamespaceScanner object:

    policyreport: True
      host: "https://defectdojo.mydomain.intra"
      api_key: "xyz456ucdssd67sd67dsg"


To ease deployment I created a helm chart for trivy-operator.

helm repo add devopstales
helm repo update

Create a value file for deploy:

cat <<'EOF'> values.yaml
  repository: devopstales/trivy-operator
  pullPolicy: Always
  tag: "2.3"

imagePullSecrets: []
  fsGroup: 10001
  fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch"

  create: true
  annotations: {}
  name: "trivy-operator"

  port: "9115"

  enabled: false
  namespace: "kube-system"

  enabled: true
  size: 1Gi

  crontab: "*/5 * * * *"
  namespaceSelector: "trivy-scan"

  enabled: false
  - name:
    user: "user"
    password: "password"

  enabled: false
  token: ""

When the trivy in the container want to scan an image first download the vulnerability database from github. If you test many images you need a githubToken overcome the github rate limit and dockerhub username and password for overcome the dockerhub rate limit. If your store you images in a private repository you need to add an username and password for authentication.

The following tables lists configurable parameters of the trivy-operator chart and their default values.


Key Type Default Description
TimeZone string "UTC" Time Zone in container
admissionController.enabled bool false enable adission controller
affinity object {} Set the affinity for the pod.
cache.enabled bool false enable redis cache
clusterScanner.crontab string "*/1 * * * *" crontab for scheduled scan
clusterScanner.enabled bool false enable clusterScanner cr creation
clusterScanner.integrations object {} configure defectdojo integration
clusterScanner.scanProfileName string "cis-1.23" kube-hunter scan profile
githubToken.enabled bool false enable github authentiation token
githubToken.token string "" github authentiation token value
grafana.dashboards.enabled bool true Enable the deployment of grafana dashboards
grafana.dashboards.label string "grafana_dashboard" Label to find dashboards using the k8s sidecar
grafana.dashboards.value string "1" Label value to find dashboards using the k8s sidecar
grafana.folder.annotation string "grafana_folder" Annotation to enable folder storage using the k8s sidecar string "Policy Reporter" Grafana folder in which to store the dashboards
grafana.namespace string nil namespace for configMap of grafana dashboards
image.pullPolicy string "Always" The docker image pull policy
image.repository string "devopstales/trivy-operator" The docker image repository to use
image.tag string "2.5.0" The docker image tag to use
imagePullSecrets list [] list of secrets to use for imae pull
kube_bench_scnner.image.pullPolicy string "Always" The docker image pull policy
kube_bench_scnner.image.repository string "devopstales/kube-bench-scnner" The docker image repository to use
kube_bench_scnner.image.tag string "2.5" The docker image tag to use
log_level string "INFO" Log level
monitoring.port string "9115" configure prometheus monitoring port
namespaceScanner.clusterWide bool false
namespaceScanner.crontab string "*/5 * * * *"
namespaceScanner.integrations.policyreport bool false
namespaceScanner.namespaceSelector string "trivy-scan"
nodeSelector object {} Set the node selector for the pod.
offline.db_repository string "localhost:5000/trivy-db" repository to use for download trivy vuln db
offline.db_repository_insecure bool false insecure repository
offline.enabled bool false enable air-gapped mode
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" Volumes mode
persistence.annotations object {} Volumes annotations
persistence.enabled bool true Volumes for the pod
persistence.size string "1Gi" Volumes size
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":10001,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch"} security options for the pod
registryAuth.enabled bool false enable registry authentication
registryAuth.image_pull_secrets list ["regcred"] list of image pull secrets for authentication
serviceAccount.annotations object {} serviceAccount annotations
serviceAccount.create bool true Enable serviceAccount creation string "trivy-operator" Name of the serviceAccount
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false allow to override the namespace for serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.labels.release string "prometheus" labels to match the serviceMonitorSelector of the Prometheus Resource
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] metricRelabeling config for serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.namespace object {} Name of the namespace for serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] relabel config for serviceMonitor
tolerations list [] Set the tolerations for the pod.
kubectl create ns trivy-operator
kubens trivy-operator
helm upgrade --install trivy devopstales/trivy-operator -f values.yaml