trivy-operator 2.5: Patch release for Admisssion controller
Today I am happy to announce the release of trivy-operator 2.5. This blog post focuses on the functionality provided by the trivy-operator 2.5 release.
What is trivy-operator?
Trivy-operator is a Kubernetes Operator based on the open-source container vulnerability scanner Trivy. The goal of this project is to provide a vulnerability scanner that continuously scans containers deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. Built with Kubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework (Kopf) There are a few solution for checking the images when you deploy them to the Kubernetes cluster, but fighting against vulnerabilities is a day to day task. Check once is not enough when every day is a new das for frats. That is why I created trivy-operator so you can create scheduled image scans on your running pods.
What is new?
With the release of trivy-operator 2.5 ther is the fallowin new features:
- air-gap install
- Kubernetes CIS Benchmark with kube-bench-scnner
- defectdojo integration
- use insecure registry
- add new dashboard
Air-Gapped Install
To run trivy-operator in an air-gapped environment you need to provide the security database for trivy. You can do that by uploading tha database to an OCI compatible registry.
oras pull
oras push docker.mydomain.intra/trivy-db:2 \
curl -X GET https://docker.mydomain.intra/v2/_catalog
curl -X GET https://docker.mydomain.intra/v2/trivy-db/tags/list
In the helm chart you need to specify the url of your OCI registry with the db_repository
# Don't try to download trivy db, run in air-gapped env:
enabled: true
db_repository: docker.mydomain.intra/trivy-db
Kubernetes CIS Benchmark
CIS Benchmark best practices are an important first step to securing Kubernetes in production by hardening Kubernetes environments. Trivy-operator use kube-bench to scan the kubernetes cluster and create CIS Benchmark reports. To enable the CIS Benchmark scanning function you need to create a ClusterScanner.
The following example object is configured to:
- run the vulnerability scan every hour (
crontab: '00 * * * *'
) - use the
scan profile - enable integration to defectdojo
kind: ClusterScanner
name: main-config
crontab: "00 * * * *"
scanProfileName: "cis-1.23"
host: "http://defectdojo.rancher-desktop.intra"
api_key: "3880d84590915e5c96cec075444f22285ff3659c"
k8s-cluster-name: "eks-prod"
The following list show the ClusterScanner objects listed by the kubectl cli:
kubectl get cs-scan
main-config cis-1.23 00 * * * *
Enable DefectDojo integration for trivy-operator
To enable the DefectDojo integration for trivy-operator you need to enable it in the NamespaceScanner
policyreport: True
host: "https://defectdojo.mydomain.intra"
api_key: "xyz456ucdssd67sd67dsg"
To ease deployment I created a helm chart for trivy-operator.
helm repo add devopstales
helm repo update
Create a value file for deploy:
cat <<'EOF'> values.yaml
repository: devopstales/trivy-operator
pullPolicy: Always
tag: "2.3"
imagePullSecrets: []
fsGroup: 10001
fsGroupChangePolicy: "OnRootMismatch"
create: true
annotations: {}
name: "trivy-operator"
port: "9115"
enabled: false
namespace: "kube-system"
enabled: true
size: 1Gi
crontab: "*/5 * * * *"
namespaceSelector: "trivy-scan"
enabled: false
- name:
user: "user"
password: "password"
enabled: false
token: ""
When the trivy in the container want to scan an image first download the vulnerability database from github. If you test many images you need a githubToken
overcome the github rate limit and dockerhub username and password for overcome the dockerhub rate limit. If your store you images in a private repository you need to add an username and password for authentication.
The following tables lists configurable parameters of the trivy-operator chart and their default values.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
TimeZone | string | "UTC" |
Time Zone in container |
admissionController.enabled | bool | false |
enable adission controller |
affinity | object | {} |
Set the affinity for the pod. |
cache.enabled | bool | false |
enable redis cache |
clusterScanner.crontab | string | "*/1 * * * *" |
crontab for scheduled scan |
clusterScanner.enabled | bool | false |
enable clusterScanner cr creation |
clusterScanner.integrations | object | {} |
configure defectdojo integration |
clusterScanner.scanProfileName | string | "cis-1.23" |
kube-hunter scan profile |
githubToken.enabled | bool | false |
enable github authentiation token |
githubToken.token | string | "" |
github authentiation token value |
grafana.dashboards.enabled | bool | true |
Enable the deployment of grafana dashboards |
grafana.dashboards.label | string | "grafana_dashboard" |
Label to find dashboards using the k8s sidecar |
grafana.dashboards.value | string | "1" |
Label value to find dashboards using the k8s sidecar |
grafana.folder.annotation | string | "grafana_folder" |
Annotation to enable folder storage using the k8s sidecar | | string | "Policy Reporter" |
Grafana folder in which to store the dashboards |
grafana.namespace | string | nil |
namespace for configMap of grafana dashboards |
image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
The docker image pull policy |
image.repository | string | "devopstales/trivy-operator" |
The docker image repository to use |
image.tag | string | "2.5.0" |
The docker image tag to use |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
list of secrets to use for imae pull |
kube_bench_scnner.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
The docker image pull policy |
kube_bench_scnner.image.repository | string | "devopstales/kube-bench-scnner" |
The docker image repository to use |
kube_bench_scnner.image.tag | string | "2.5" |
The docker image tag to use |
log_level | string | "INFO" |
Log level |
monitoring.port | string | "9115" |
configure prometheus monitoring port |
namespaceScanner.clusterWide | bool | false |
namespaceScanner.crontab | string | "*/5 * * * *" |
namespaceScanner.integrations.policyreport | bool | false |
namespaceScanner.namespaceSelector | string | "trivy-scan" |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Set the node selector for the pod. |
offline.db_repository | string | "localhost:5000/trivy-db" |
repository to use for download trivy vuln db |
offline.db_repository_insecure | bool | false |
insecure repository |
offline.enabled | bool | false |
enable air-gapped mode |
persistence.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
Volumes mode |
persistence.annotations | object | {} |
Volumes annotations |
persistence.enabled | bool | true |
Volumes for the pod |
persistence.size | string | "1Gi" |
Volumes size |
podSecurityContext | object | {"fsGroup":10001,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch"} |
security options for the pod |
registryAuth.enabled | bool | false |
enable registry authentication |
registryAuth.image_pull_secrets | list | ["regcred"] |
list of image pull secrets for authentication |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
serviceAccount annotations |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
Enable serviceAccount creation | | string | "trivy-operator" |
Name of the serviceAccount |
serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
allow to override the namespace for serviceMonitor |
serviceMonitor.labels.release | string | "prometheus" |
labels to match the serviceMonitorSelector of the Prometheus Resource |
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings | list | [] |
metricRelabeling config for serviceMonitor |
serviceMonitor.namespace | object | {} |
Name of the namespace for serviceMonitor |
serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | [] |
relabel config for serviceMonitor |
tolerations | list | [] |
Set the tolerations for the pod. |
kubectl create ns trivy-operator
kubens trivy-operator
helm upgrade --install trivy devopstales/trivy-operator -f values.yaml