Install spacewalk 2.9
Page content
Spacewalk is an open source Linux systems management solution. Spacewalk is the upstream community project from which the Red Hat Satellite product is derived before Red Hat Satellite Server 6.
Create answerfile
cat > /root/spacewalk_answers.txt << EOF
admin-email = operation@devopstales.intra
ssl-set-cnames = spacewalk
ssl-set-org = Spacewalk Org
ssl-set-org-unit = spacewalk
ssl-set-city = Budapest
ssl-set-state = non
ssl-set-country = HU
ssl-password = Password1
ssl-set-email = operation@devopstales.intra
ssl-config-sslvhost = Y
Install requirements
yum install ntp -y
service ntpd restart
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
yum clean all && yum repolist
Install Spacewalk
yum install -y spacewalk-setup-postgresql
yum install -y spacewalk-postgresql
spacewalk-setup --answer-file=/root/spacewalk_answers.txt
yum install spacecmd -y
Go to the WebUI and configure the admin user.