Update ILO firmware

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Integrated Lights-Out, or iLO, is a proprietary embedded server management technology by Hewlett-Packard which provides out-of-band management facilities.

Update from Linux CLI

Download iLO firmware say CP032487.scexe

cd /tmp
chnmod 755 CP032487.scexe
curl http:///xmldata?item=All

Update from ILO CLI

./CP032487.scexe --unpack=firmware
cd firmware
cp firmware/ilo2_NNN.bin $DocumentRoot (usually /var/www/html/)

# Login on iLO over ssh and upload firmware
ssh -l Administrator

iLO> show
iLO> cd /map1
iLO> oemhp_ping
iLO> load -source http:///firmware/ilo2_NNN.bin

curl http:///xmldata?item=All

Update from iLO WebUI

  • access iLO Web UI, go to Administration tab and upload bin file to upgrade iLO firmware