Install Icinga2

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In this tutorial I will show you how to install Icinga2 and Icingaweb2 webinterface.

Icinga 2 is an open source, scalable and extensible monitoring tool which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting.

Configure syslinux and Firewall for the install

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=postgresql
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5665/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

Install postgresql

yum install postgresql-server postgresql
postgresql-setup initdb

nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# icinga
local   icinga      icinga                            md5
host    icinga      icinga          md5
host    icinga      icinga      ::1/128               md5
local   icinga_web  icinga_web                        md5
host    icinga_web  icinga_web          md5
host    icinga_web  icinga_web  ::1/128               md5

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all         all                               ident
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all         all          ident
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all         all         ::1/128               ident

systemctl enable  --now postgresql-10

Install Icinga2

yum install
yum install epel-release

yum install icinga2 icinga2-selinux nagios-plugins-all nano-icinga2

systemctl enable --now httpd

echo 'include "/usr/share/nano/icinga2.nanorc"' >> /etc/nanorc
cp /etc/nanorc ~/.nanorc

yum install icinga2-ido-pgsql

cd /tmp
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE icinga WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'icinga'"
sudo -u postgres createdb -O icinga -E UTF8 icinga

export PGPASSWORD=icinga
psql -U icinga -d icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-pgsql/schema/pgsql.sql

icinga2 feature enable ido-pgsql

cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/ido-pgsql.conf
 * The db_ido_pgsql library implements IDO functionality
 * for PostgreSQL.

library "db_ido_pgsql"

object IdoPgsqlConnection "ido-pgsql" {
  user = "icinga",
  password = "icinga",
  host = "localhost",
  database = "icinga"

icinga2 api setup

ecjo '
object ApiUser "icingaweb2" {
  password = "Wijsn8Z9eRs5E25d"
  permissions = [ "status/query", "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*" ]
}' >> /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf

icinga2 feature enable command
icinga2 node wizard
Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!

We'll guide you through all required configuration details.

Please specify if this is a satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: n
Starting the Master setup routine...
Please specifiy the common name (CN) [icinga.devopstales.intra]:
Checking for existing certificates for common name 'icinga.devopstales.intra'...
Certificates not yet generated. Running 'api setup' now.
information/cli: Generating new CA.
information/base: Writing private key to '/var/lib/icinga2/ca/ca.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/var/lib/icinga2/ca/ca.crt'.
information/cli: Generating new CSR in '/etc/icinga2/pki/icinga.devopstales.intra.csr'.
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/icinga.devopstales.intra.key'.
information/base: Writing certificate signing request to '/etc/icinga2/pki/icinga.devopstales.intra.csr'.
information/cli: Signing CSR with CA and writing certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/icinga.devopstales.intra.crt'.
information/cli: Copying CA certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt'.
Generating master configuration for Icinga 2.
information/cli: Adding new ApiUser 'root' in '/etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf'.
information/cli: Enabling the 'api' feature.
Enabling feature api. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
information/cli: Dumping config items to file '/etc/icinga2/zones.conf'.
information/cli: Created backup file '/etc/icinga2/zones.conf.orig'.
Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
Bind Host []: Hit Enter
Bind Port []: Hit Enter
information/cli: Created backup file '/etc/icinga2/features-available/api.conf.orig'.
information/cli: Updating constants.conf.
information/cli: Created backup file '/etc/icinga2/constants.conf.orig'.
information/cli: Updating constants file '/etc/icinga2/constants.conf'.
information/cli: Updating constants file '/etc/icinga2/constants.conf'.
information/cli: Updating constants file '/etc/icinga2/constants.conf'.

Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!

systemctl restart icinga2

Install IcingaWeb2

yum install centos-release-scl
yum install icingaweb2 icingacli icingaweb2-selinux

yum install httpd
systemctl start httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service

icingacli setup config webserver apache

## OR

yum install nginx rh-php71-php-fpm rh-php71-php-pgsql
systemctl enable --now rh-php71-php-fpm.service

## config
icingacli setup config webserver nginx > /etc/nginx/default.d//icinga.conf
systemctl enable --now nginx

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE icinga_web WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'icinga_web'"
sudo -u postgres createdb -O icinga_web -E UTF8 icinga_web

icingacli setup token create

# go to

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