Foreman openidc SSO with keycloak

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I this post I will show you how you can configure Foreman to use Keycloak asz an OIDC SSO authentication provider.

I use a Self-signed certificate for keycloak so my first step is to add the root CA of this certificate as a trusted certificate on the foreman server:

cp rootca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/

install requirements

yum install mod_auth_openidc keycloak-httpd-client-install

The keycloak-httpd-client-install is a commandline tool thet helps to configure the apache2’s mod_auth_openidc plugin with Keycloak. This feature is not yet supported by foreman-installer. As a result, re-running the foreman-installer command can purge the changes in Apache files added by the keycloak-httpd-client-install.

keycloak-httpd-client-install \
--app-name foreman-openidc \
--keycloak-server-url "https://keycloak.mydomain.intra" \
--keycloak-admin-usernam "admin" \
--keycloak-realm "ssl-realm" \
--keycloak-admin-realm master \
--keycloak-auth-role root-admin \
-t openidc -l /users/extlogin

systemct restart httpd

Configure Keycloak

We need to create two mappers for the new client in keycloak:

Example image Example image

Then in Keycloak create a group called foreman-admin and add the test user for it.

Configure Foreman:

Administer / Settings / Authentication
Authorize login delegation = yes
Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate = External
OIDC Algorithm = RS256
# the client id from keycloak
OIDC Audience = foreman.mydomain.intra-foreman-openidc
OIDC Issuer = https://keycloak.mydomain.intra/auth/realms/ssl-realm
OIDC JWKs URL = https://keycloak.mydomain.intra/auth/realms/ssl-realm/protocol/openid-connect/certs

Create an user groupe in foreman called foreman-admin and map with the external group called foreman-admin. Example image Example image Example image

The log out and go the he url of the foreman. It will redirect to Keycloak to login. Add the test users credentials the login wit it.